We are indebted to the financial support provided to us by Macmillan Cancer Support, St. John Scotland and NHS Dumfries and Galloway. However there are many other fundraising opportunities which groups and individuals engage in to support our work.
- Sponsored walks, runs, swims and other activities
- Coffee Morning
- Art and Craft Fair
- Bag Packing
- Race or Quiz Night
- Line Dancing or other similar dancing event
- Fashion Show
- Musical Evening
- ………. the list is endless and constrained only by your imagination.
If you would like to undertake a fundraising activity to raise funds, simply contact our Centre Manager at Stranraer to discuss how to proceed.
We can help with advertising your event and include details on this website
Who Can Fundraise?
Anyone can fundraise to support the work of our centres.
- Individuals
- Groups
- Clubs
- Businesses
Anyone fundraising on our behalf should firstly contact us to ensure that your planned event is properly authorised.
How We Use Donations
Our centre does require funding to operate. It is the heart of our support function and provides a unique meeting place for our clients.
We organise regular therapy sessions and provide a range of services, each of which requires funding. Many of those involved in these activities are specialists.
From time to time we organise ‘one off’ events to provide very specialised support or activity for our clients. Often these events will be funded specifically by an individual fundraising activity.